Hi, everyone! I've had a sudden spike in page hits and Teachers Pay Teachers sales! Thank you so much! Since I am not currently working in a classroom, my brain hasn't been too focused on creating new curriculum… but I would like it to be! What kinds of things are all of you wonderful teachers looking for? More direction-following? Organizers? Book reports? Reading anything great and need a novel unit plan?
Let me know! I'd love to create some wonderful new downloads for you!
To tide me over until I hear from you, I've created a special spring edition of "Can You Follow Directions?" This one is fancy. The kids will actually end up drawing a spring photo (if they don't follow directions), so even if they aren't following directions, they'll still get a chance at some creativity! This one is a bit trickier than the original, so it would be best for grades 3-5. Click the button below to download!